I’m now using the VistaBridge dll to get the native windows dialogs. I removed my own helper class for TaskDialogs to use the one included in the VistaBridge dll. Turns out the MS samples are full of TODO’s… Fortunately, I only needed a few things that weren’t implemented (filters in particular), so I simply added them.
Here is the new export dialog:
Much better 🙂
It took a bit longer to get going than I though it would because of a problem with the common controls dll.
To get that dialog, you have to load version 6 and the version that get loaded by default is the old version. I thought I had it fixed earlier, but one of my dll was still loading an old version, with not so nice results down the line.
I also worked a bit on the main UI. I am now using a new template for the buttons, done by Martin Grayson. I modified it a bit so that it looks good on a glass surface. It still needs a little bit of tweaking to be perfect, but it’s ok for now.
It nicely glows on mouse over (and it’s transparent, of course).