Author: Julien

  • WPF File Dialogs

    Arghhhhhh. What is that ? Are they kidding or what ? WPF is supposed to be the next generation API and the only thing they provide out of the box is that ? Crappy Windows 95 era icons ? CHECK “classic” style drop down boxes and buttons ? CHECK What a shame really. On Vista…

  • Drag&Drop Support, Capabilities for FileSupport Dll

    Today I added drag&drop support. Now you can simply drop a logon file and it will be added to the list of logons. I also added support for logonxp format. It only took me 20 minutes from start to finish, and now logonxp files can be imported and loaded. I had to modify the interface…

  • LogonSwitcher: Logon Preview & more backend work

    Not much visual work done yesterday, at least not as much as I would have wanted. I added an error background (shown when the file linked in the logon configuration doesn’t exist). I also corrected the footer (now with a correctly aligned Apply button). Finally, I added some elements to the logon preview: the user name and tile. It’s…

  • Details Panel

    The LogonSwitcher format supports a few elements about the logon. You can add a version, a copyright year, and an URL (both target and text to show). There is also optional support for a author logo. Here you can see that I corrected the URL part. It was showing wrong on the last version. Turns out…

  • WPF Performance with BitmapEffects

     After playing with BitmapEffects a bit, it turns out it’s deadly slow when moving elements with effects applied. The panel I was using was animated on resizing and it slows down the app to a crawl every time it moves… For WPF version 1, Microsoft hasn’t made BitmapEffects hardware accelerated, so every elements with effects…

  • Adventures with WPF Part 2 : LogonSwitcher

    After almost a week of work, it’s starting to look a bit better. I didn’t work a lot on the UI so it’s still kind of messy. It’s still using an animated control as the panel to host logons, but I’m probably going to get rid of it for performance reasons (more on that in next…

  • Adventures with WPF – Part 1

    Last week, I started working on a new application to lean WPF. Learning XAML proved to be slightly harder than I imagined. Mainly because there is no “right” way to do things. So I’ve been rewriting it almost every day, every time a little bit better than before 🙂 Here is what it looked liked…

  • .Net Docklet SDK Inner Workings

    ObjectDock Docklets are DLL programmed in C or C++ that exports a few callbacks functions. These functions are called when a user manipulate the docklet. Building a docklet in .Net directly is impossible as ObjectDock doesn’t support managed code docklets. Thus, you need some kind of “proxy” that knows about .Net docklets and will be…

  • .Net SDK for ObjectDock

    I’m looking for people to help me test .Net Support for ObjectDock. What you will have to do is simply try to build a docklet using the sdk and send me suggestions & bug reports (or not, if you feel evil :)). The more of the SDK you use, the better, of course, but building…

  • TodoList Docklet for ObjectDock – Part 1: Specifications

    Introduction f In some past articles, Brad described his idea of a Todo plugin for ObjectDock. Since nobody seems to have taken on the idea, I decided to try to do build it myself. This article is the first of a series that will describe the process of building the plugin. It will come with…