Getting closer to 1.0
Today I corrected a bunch of remaining issues with LogonSwitcher. The logon preview now shows the password box correctly, the main logon list has better looking borders, etc. I tested a little bit more under VPC to make sure it applies a full logon (not only a new background) I also added some new logons using nice…
Updating resources files with BMP and PNG files (with managed code)
This only concerns Bitmap resources (RT_BITMAP). Updating others type of resources is easier and doesn’t require specific code. BMP files Inserting BMP files is quite easy. You only have to remove the header and you are good to go. int BMP_HEADER_BYTES = 14; FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); BinaryReader reader =…
Updating bitmap resources (with png files)
Today’s probably the worst day I’ve had for quite some time. I didn’t sleep well last night. I’ve been feeling dizzy since this morning. I haven’t had much appetite for breakfast or lunch. And yet, today I finally resolved the problem that’s been bugging me for at least two weeks. How ironic ! To replace…
Apply and Export animation
The animation on Apply & Export is now done. Almost there…
More UI work and a few other things
I finished the Details panel yesterday and corrected the open animation. There is still a small bug with the description that is not cleared when you select another logon and the new logon doesn’t have any description. I also replaced the old scrollbar with a new one that is better integrated with the application. The extra…
Export, Glass buttons & MS Samples
I’m now using the VistaBridge dll to get the native windows dialogs. I removed my own helper class for TaskDialogs to use the one included in the VistaBridge dll. Turns out the MS samples are full of TODO’s… Fortunately, I only needed a few things that weren’t implemented (filters in particular), so I simply added…
Testing (in VPC): logon background working
Corrected a bunch of problems with file and directory security today. The restore function (used when uninstalling or applying the default logon) is now working correctly. Updated logon replacement functions. They are now working a little bit better. Applying a logon with a background and branding images is now working. PNG files (in Bitmap section)…
WPF File Dialogs
Arghhhhhh. What is that ? Are they kidding or what ? WPF is supposed to be the next generation API and the only thing they provide out of the box is that ? Crappy Windows 95 era icons ? CHECK “classic” style drop down boxes and buttons ? CHECK What a shame really. On Vista…
Drag&Drop Support, Capabilities for FileSupport Dll
Today I added drag&drop support. Now you can simply drop a logon file and it will be added to the list of logons. I also added support for logonxp format. It only took me 20 minutes from start to finish, and now logonxp files can be imported and loaded. I had to modify the interface…
LogonSwitcher: Logon Preview & more backend work
Not much visual work done yesterday, at least not as much as I would have wanted. I added an error background (shown when the file linked in the logon configuration doesn’t exist). I also corrected the footer (now with a correctly aligned Apply button). Finally, I added some elements to the logon preview: the user name and tile. It’s…